
It's nearly here!

  I'm nearly on sabbatical. 😇 I thought a blog would be a good place for people to keep up with what I'm doing on my sabbatical.  I did it for my last sabbatical in 2010 and my church members then found it useful. For those who don't know what a sabbatical is - it's a gift to Ministers within churches for a time to refresh, recharge and be renewed. In the United Reformed Church it's given for 12 weeks every decade.  I read this about sabbaticals:  "One definition of a sabbatical is, “an extended period of time offered to key leaders by the organization to equip the organization for the next season of opportunity by enhancing the leader’s skills”. This is done by providing a space away from the “tyranny of the urgent” for renewal, strategic thinking, and personal change. A sabbatical is a time for rest, study, and renewal." So it's a 3 month period when I won't be at church, in contact with church people, leading worship etc... And the URC asks I s